

Laurentoix and Marinette Marchard lived in a small cottage in a small village in a part of the Twelveswood no one paid very much attention to. It was a few days travel by foot somewhere north of Gridania and did a good trade in merchants and other such folk who passed by on their way to somewhere more exciting. They were a fairly average pair of Wildwoods by anyone’s measure. Laurentoix was a carpenter who made a decent wage primarily on housing repairs and Marinette baked. They had met some years back at a local festival and fallen hopelessly in love when she had literally tripped over him retying a lace on his boot. They had been married six months later.

Two months after that Marinette had been badly injured when a wagon had rolled down a hill and pinned her against a tree. The chirurgeon that had been in town at the time had saved her life but the incident had robbed them both of the family that they had planned for. Laurentoix often lamented this. Perhaps not as much as his wife did but enough to have come to the conclusion long ago that he would rather have her and no baby than have lost her and never had the chance anyway.

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