🎄 Idristan and Michaux (you just know Mich is going in for that kiss)



Time seems to slow. One moment the two of had been talking and he had commented on the mistletoe hanging above, the next he saw Michaux leaning in towards him, and Idristan freezes. He can smell the duskwight’s breath, feel his lips brush his…

Then he shoves Michaux away.

“By the Fury, what is wrong with you?” he hisses at Michaux. “Have you been drinking? Drugs? Spend too long in your girlfriend’s head?” he snaps derisively as he wipes the back of his hand across his mouth, as if that might get rid of the taste of the duskwight.

“I don’t feel that way about you. About men,” he continues–though there is perhaps not quite as much heat there as there would have been only a few months before. This fact doesn’t seem to go unnoticed by Idristan, and if anything only serves to frustrate him further.

“This never happened!” he calls fiercely over his shoulder to Michaux as he stalks away. “And I’m seeing that all of that is taken down!”

Michaux is unable to repress his grin as he watches Idristan stalk away. “Hey, you’re the one who saw the mistletoe first! You might not know how to honor sacred traditions, but I do! I take that sort of thing seriously!”

Solenne emerges from behind a bookshelf after Idristan disappears upstairs. “I counted three seconds,” she comments.

“Three? Come on, it took him at least five seconds to push me away!” Michaux objects.

Solenne lifts a brow at him. “Michaux, I have never doubted your ability to absorb, retain, and record historical data, but I’m still not convinced you can count. It was three seconds.”

Michaux groans and reaches into a pocket. He tosses a pouch of gil at her. “Fine, you win this time. But next time, prepare yourself for tongue.”

“I’ll be prepared to clean your innards off the floor, in that case,” Solenne says dryly as she brushes past Michaux on her way to the stairs. “You do find creative ways to get yourself killed, I’ll give you that. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go convince my fiance not to tear down all the Starlight decorations.”

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