Character Development Questions/Asks



  1. Are you where you’d thought you’d be?
  2. If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be?
  3. Is it better to have loved and lost? Or would you have avoided particular relationships if you knew then what you know now?
  4. If the person you cared about the most betrayed you, could you walk away or would you stay?
  5. What has been your greatest defeat? Your biggest failure?
  6. If all of your belongings were going to be destroyed, and you could pick only a handful of items to save, what would they be? (Pick up to three)
  7. Is vengeance a proper way of obtaining justice?
  8. Do you believe that what goes around, comes around?
  9. What is the greatest gift you could ever receive?
  10. What is your worst nightmare?
  11. Describe a time that your emotions made your heart feel like it was going to break through your chest.
  12. If you had to lose one of your senses (Sight, Hearing, Taste,Touch, or Scent) which would you lose and why? Which one would you never want to give up?
  13. Can all wounds and scars heal in time? If you were given the ability to erase all of your scars, would you?
  14. Do you talk to yourself? If you do, what do you talk about?
  15. What is your biggest fear?
  16. Describe the moment where you were the most courageous you’ve ever been in your life.
  17. You’re being haunted. Who is haunting you?
  18. What does ‘Love’ mean to you?
  19. What does ‘Death’ mean to you?
  20. Is there a price you can place on a life?
  21. Is it ever completely acceptable to lie? If so, when? What kind of situation?
  22. Is it more important to chase your dreams, or make tomorrow better than today?
  23. You’re writing a story. What kind of story is it? Does it have a happy ending, or a sad ending? Maybe a cliff-hanger? Or is it a series?
  24. When you think about the most important person in your life, what is the first memory of them that comes to mind?
  25. How much are you willing to sacrifice for that which you deem most important?

In case you all need some more prompts to reblog to get you through the rest of maintenance. ❤

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