Hey there! Do you have any lore information on how linkshells in FFXIV work from an in-universe pov? I tried looking for this on the roleplayers coalition forums, which seems to be the best place to find accurate lore so far, but all I can find is people advertising or looking for linkshells.



What are Linkpearls?

Linkpearls” are the many individual baubles that belong to a collective system of pearls called a “linkshell.” For example, a mercenary company may own a linkshell that hands out individual linkpearls to its members. Other than the specifics of terminology, very little is known about what exactly a linkpearl is, beyond being an item which manipulates aether in a way similar to aetherytes to transmit voices across great distance via the currents of aether running throughout Hydaelyn. It is unclear if the bauble is an actual pearl, a crystal, or some magicked gemstone attuned to the whole linkshell. It’s unclear if naturally occurring linkpearls ever existed at one time, but we do know that, like aetherytes, all of the linkpearls in use today were manufactured.

Lorecast 9 – Fernehalwes: “As you know, I played and worked on Final Fantasy XI. Even back then, I did think that linkpearls just seemed so convenient, but no one ever explained them. So, back when I joined XIV—this was before 1.0 launch, when Iwao-san did the lore—I told him we should have an explanation.

Conveniently, we already had aether. Everything is aether and there’s this sea of aether out in the world and there’s the Lifestream and that’s how people can use aetherytes and so on. Why not have linkpearls follow this reasoning?

We’ve explained before that aetherytes act as beacons. Your body gets drawn towards these beacons so you don’t get pulled into the Lifestream and drift off forever. Linkpearls are very tiny beacons—not ones you could use to teleport—but you can speak into them and then that gets converted into a…packet…of aetherial disturbance which shoots out into the world and is drawn to another beacon that’s been assigned to the same thing, whereby it flows into the beacon and is transformed out. So these packets of disturbed aether fly throughout the world, and they can be disrupted by any other energy, or intercepted. The Garleans are intercepting them—remember Minfilia knew she was probably being listened to—and then you have Garlean technology which can jam linkpearls.

So Iwao-san and I were like, ‘That works. That’s a good idea.’ And then we never got around to explaining it. But we actually decided on it like seven years ago!”

Nonoru: “Little is known about linkpearls, other than that they somehow manipulate the planet’s aether, allowing us to project our voices over long distances, in a similar way to how aetheryte enables bodily transport. Yet the system has many quirks, and missent or missing messages are an everyday occurrence on most linkshell channels. There is a good chance that the message which arrived earlier wasn’t even intended for the Path.”

Baderon: “And before ye go, take this ‘ere linkpearl. No strings attached. If ye find yerself in trouble, just call on me on the aether… Can’t guarantee I’ll answer, though. Now off with ye. I got casks to tap.”

A’shakkal: “I represent the interests of the nations in educating adventurers on the technologies available for strengthening the bonds between them. To that end, I would like to introduce to you the ‘linkshell’. Would you care to hear more? A linkshell enables you to communicate with others over any distance, as if they were before your very eyes!

The only time your physical presence is required is when you wish to give or receive a linkshell.

Would you care to give it a try? I can create a personal linkshell for you now, if you like.”

Ursulie: “In each city-state, you’ll find summoning bells located in convenient spots here and there. Perhaps you have already noticed them. Retainers each possess special linkpearls that can only be contacted via these bells. If you wish to speak with your retainer, all you have to do is ring one.”

Limitations & Flaws of Linkpearls?

1) The first and most glaring limitation of linkpearls is their reliance on stable ambient aether to accurately transmit messages “across the aether.” When in highly unstable aetheric environments, such as Azys Lla (evidenced by Anima questline) or in deep dungeons or when jammed by high aetheric counter-frequencies, the linkpearl will cease to function.

The Raven – Toto-Rak Investigation Team Feared Lost: “No sooner had the party set foot within the dungeon’s dank, foreboding passageways than a problem arose. Lightning aetheric interference, the source of which is presumed to be Imperial, severely degraded the transmission from our correspondent, the Order issue linkpearl loaned to us unable to pierce the haze. After what felt like an interminable length of time in oppressive silence, a fragmented signal finally broke through to us. Our relief would prove to be short-lived, however, as a scene of horror we dared not imagine played out on the aether.”

R’ashaht Rhiki: “Attempts are being made to contact the Ironworks engineers via linkpearl, but aetheric interference is hampering our efforts. On the handful of occasions when we have gotten through, the link has lasted a matter of seconds.”

Fulke: “I ask that you hurry forth from the city, and head to the north and west. The linkpearl message was cut off before we could discern their precise location, but the voices were…desperate. You must help us.”

Cracked Fist: “When the next phase of the operation commences, linkshell communications may be disrupted for a time. Should this happen, messages must be conveyed the old-fashioned way─on foot, or with fire.”

Deputy Post Moogle: “But no, the moon had to go and drop from the sky, causing all of that terrible commotion! Aetherytes were shattered and linkpearls rendered useless. For moons, the poor, wingless people of Eorzea had no way of communicating with each other. …Beyond screaming at the top of their lungs, that is─which no one really approved of, kupo.”

2) Linkpearl waveforms are easily spied upon. Alternatively, after many years of distributing pearls to countless individuals, it’s impossible to keep track of who may have a pearl and who may be listening in on transmissions.

Tataru: “It’s easy to forget how useful linkpearls are, isn’t it? When they work, I mean. And you don’t mind being spied on.”

Sahja Zhwan: “Linkpearls are given by Lady Minfilia to all who walk the Path. There must be thousands of them in circulation. When a walker abandons the Path, they are asked to return the pearl. However, there are many who have left on assignments only to vanish in the field. Their pearls could be anywhere.”

Gegeissa: “We haven’t seen so much as a carrier chocobo for days. And we’re expecting word from our outlying camp, which should have arrived by now. Information far too sensitive to be spoken into a linkpearl, of course.”

Path Companion (Highlander): “Right, well, now that you’re on board, I’ll tell you the best bit. See, these past few turns of the sun, I’ve made a point of listening in to the sylph chatter on the Ashcrown pearl. Most of the time, it ain’t naught but those oversized gourds yattering on about how they tricked some poor sod of an adventurer into doing something menial, but last night, I finally caught something useful…”

Path Companion (Lalafell): “Oh, speaking of Mother, I have her to thank for a rather intriguing piece of information. You see, when I’m at home, she rarely lets me out past the eighteenth bell, so I have lots and lots of time to sit in my room listening to my linkpearl collection. Oh dear…I’m boring you, aren’t I? I-I’m sorry! The point is, I’ve been listening to the Ashcrown pearl nonstop, and that is how I came to overhear the sylphs talking about a Paragon sighting in Paglth’an!”

Wedge: “I’m certain it’s a code─the Illuminati always use coded messages. From what I hear, they’ve developed a special kind of crystal specifically for transmuting linkpearl waveforms.”

3) Apparently, activating a linkpearl isn’t the most intuitive process? Beyond that, longer transmissions may be garbled or the receiver might just completely ignore the transmission, leaving a frustrated caller listening to static.

Nenekko: “I was starting to wonder if you’d ever find me. I borrowed a linkpearl from the Miners’ Guild, intending to contact you – but I wasn’t entirely sure how to use it.”

Momodi: “Already worked out how to use that linkpearl, have you? Maybe you ain’t as dense as you look.”

Roarich: “I have need of rubies. Rubies, you lackwit! Red as blood! Peridots!? No, I’ll not settle for peridots! Green is as dead as your head is dense! <sigh> Gods… My apologies, sir, placing order by linkpearl can be…stressful. I am Roarich. Roarich of Ashgana’s Exporters, if it please you. If your business is not pressing, might it not wait until later?”

Cahernaut: “An assessor by the name of Haldberk at Mealvaan’s Gate keeps a detailed ledger of all the city’s imports and exports. If our goods arrived in Limsa, he will know about it. I’ve tried to contact him via linkpearl on countless occasions, but the assessors are always so terribly busy. They rarely have time to exchange more than a few words – if they answer at all! And that is why I must send someone in person.”

Garleans and Linkpearls

Garleans utilize linkpearls apparently, but they’ve also developed a magitek receiver device that operates similarly to a linkpearl. Very little is known about these devices, but based upon an earlier quote from The Raven, it’s likely that these Receivers operate using lightning aspected aether to transmit and receive coded transmissions.

Guincum: “Hm? You say you found something of interest on one of the imperials you slew? Let me see that. Why…this is a magitek receiver…and it is intact! The Empire uses these metal boxes to communicate with each other, much like we do with linkpearls. Little else is known of them, however, the reason being that they are designed to explode when taken too far form their owners. This one must be defective… At any rate, I must inform the Garlond Ironworks immediately! The Ironworks contact I spoke with expressed a profound interest in the receiver. He believes that they may be able to use it in deciphering the code the Empire employs in all of their communications.”

Minfilia: “Imperial airships and juggernauts have begun dropping linkpearls in all the major city-states on Aldenard and Vylbrand. These linkpearls state that the beast tribes of Eorzea are secretly plotting to call forth unholy eikons and lay waste to the Realm. The message goes on to say that if the city-states were to accept imperial rule, they would be granted the protection of the Empire—on the condition that the citizenry take up arms against the beast tribes.”

Hope this helps, @finnugold!

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