How much do we really know about Thavnair? Is the any more info aside from the descriptions on ingame items?


We know a good bit! So this is going to be a long post! Here’s my compilation post on Thavnair Lore from the RPC if the forum format is easier to read than tumblr’s!

Thavnair, or as its more commonly referred to in game, the “Near East,” is an island nation in the Jade Sea between Aldenard and Othard. Radz-at-Han is Thavnair’s capital city and is home to Thavnair’s ruling houses and nobles. Thavnair is likely located closer to Hydaelyn’s equator, as it possesses unbearably hot climates, and a desert and jungle regions. The Thavnairians seem to prize education, science, and history like the Sharlayans. Ul’dahn alchemy is primarily born of Thavnairian origin, for example. The Eorzean city-states of Ul’dah and Limsa Lominsa both trade with Thavnair regularly.

If a person is from Thavnair, you would say they are “Near Eastern” or “Thavnairian.”
If a person is from Radz-at-Han, Thavnair’s capital city specifically, you would say they were “Hannish.”

Coultenet: “We would have sent word sooner, but the Braves afforded us no opportunity. When they fell upon us in the market, it was all we could do to escape. Tataru found her way to you, of course, but we were forced to seek shelter aboard a Hannish vessel.”

Ocher Boulder: “Yet now that you are here, I sense that you have surpassed me once more… No, do not tell me─you trained with the Hannish, did you not?”

Hoary Boulder: “Your eyes do not deceive, brother! Aye, I have studied the Trials of the Braves, and drunk deep of the souls of mine enemies!”

Jalzahn: “Legend tells that, when the world lies upon the brink of destruction, brave souls who bear the Light shall arise to banish the Darkness. These heroes are known by myriad names, but in my native Radz-at-Han they are called the “Zodiac Braves.”

Thavnairian tradition holds that the Zodiac Braves gathered light to their weapons by vanquishing formidable foes. ‘Tis my theory that the heroes were in fact absorbing souls.

If your weapon is to realize its potential, you must have it drink deep of the souls of slain foes.

Of course, not every soul is created equal, and so it follows that not all creatures will serve our purpose. Indeed, the Zodiac Braves themselves were very particular as to which foes they chose to vanquish.

In the interests of efficiency, you would do well to seek out adversaries of like nature. For this, you might refer to the “Trials of the Braves,” a collection of sacred texts that tell of the heroes’ deeds.

The books are common enough in Radz-at-Han, but having recently formed my theory, I did not think to bring them with me, alas. Though, with trade flourishing between our lands, mayhap there is a local merchant dealing in imported wares who has them in stock.”

Of Hydaelyn’s three known zodiacs, Thavnair has its own, based on the IRL western zodiac.

At the start of the Zodiac Weapon questline we are tasked with collecting twelve Atma, crystalline objects from Thavnairian legend. These are taken directly from the western Zodiac.

  • Atma of the Ram (Aries)
  • Atma of the Bull (Taurus)
  • Atma of the Twins (Gemini)
  • Atma of the Crab (Cancer)
  • Atma of the Lion (Leo)
  • Atma of the Maiden (Virgo)
  • Atma of the Scales (Libra)
  • Atma of the Scorpion (Scorpio)
  • Atma of the Archer (Sagittarius)
  • Atma of the Goat (Capricorn)
  • Atma of the Water-bearer (Aquarius)
  • Atma of the Fish (Pisces) 

The “Song of the Zodiac Braves” is also a Thavnairian legend.

“In an era long since ended,
When chaos reigned o’er all the land,
Did valiant souls take up the fight
To bring forth Light and cast out Dark
They numbered twelve, no more nor less.”

Gerolt: “In ages past, terrible demons known by the name “Zodiac” would appear in our world. But when they did, a hero wieldin’ a shinin’ weapon would arise to strike the fiends down. Do ye know that particular tale?”

Jalzahn on the Kaiser Knuckles: “When cataclysm loomed over the Near East, the hero Mirza arose to defend the people from fell fiends. Once he had torn the monsters apart, he raised a mighty empire- and fashioned a pair of weapons such as these from his foes’ claws!”

Jalzahn on the Nirvana: “After long years spent spurring worldly desires, a Near Eastern hierarch rose to a higher state of being. And as he did, life itself quickened within his trusty staff, the very twin of which you now hold!”

Ahldskyf: “We’re in the process of resupplying in preparation for the long journey east across the Sea of Jade to the small island nation of Thavnair, and its capital city Radz-at-Han. My intention is to fill our hold with high-quality flour, a rarity on Thavnair, and sell it to the upper-class merchants there for ten times its value here on Vylbrand. However, the Orion’s owner, my employer, doubts the wisdom of my plan. He says flour is flour, and that the merchants of Thavnair would not be able to discern La Noscean flour from the less expensive Ul’dahn variety that they already import, giving them no reason to pay more for our product.

Truth be told, I expected he might have his misgivings, so I had a solution ready─I would have the ship’s cook bake some bread using La Noscean flour and offer it as a gift to the ruling houses of Radz-at-Han, telling each house that the others had found its flavor to far surpass that of bread made from Ul’dahn sunset wheat. The nobles would have no choice but to agree, of course, and, not wishing to be outshone by their peers, demand that their kitchens also stock La Noscean flour.”

Ahldskyf: “The nobles of Radz-at-Han are obsessive about their odor. I suppose it comes from living in a land that is subject to the incessant beating of the sun’s harsh rays. The sweltering days and muggy nights leave nearly everyone on the island drenched in a perpetual patina of malodorous wetness. To cope, they spend absurd amounts of coin on all manner of fragrances and perfumes – and as luck would have it, one of the most prized is scented with none other than Althyk lavender!

You see, my friend, the plant is very rare, with most wild varieties nigh on impossible to find in even the most fertile corners of Eorzea, let alone an isolated rock in the middle of the sea!”

Either Love Them Or Kill Them: “A fellow merchant recently arrived on a ship from Radz-at-Han has fallen in love with the marmots which scamper about the Thanalan deserts and believes that the noble houses of his hometown will follow suit. He has expressed his interest in purchasing several of the furry beastkin and has bid our organization assist him. The Seventy-seven Caravans do not have the means to pacify and capture the rodents, but will pay decent coin to anyone who does.”

Camel Hair: “Thick, brown hair of a Near Eastern monstrosity known as the camel. Dubious reports from sailors claim the beast stands thrice as high as a chocobo, can speak the tongues of man, and has massive humps upon its back which may contain water, wine, or even gold.”

Lodestone: “Alchemy’s establishment as a tradition in Eorzea dates only to recent history. It was born primarily of ancient techniques and knowledge brought from the Near East, but has come to contain elements of Lalafellin herbalism and Miqo’te occultism as well. The primary tool of the alchemist is the alembic.”

The Cure: “The alchemists at Radz-at-Han claim to have developed a cure-all from the leaves found growing atop the heads of mandragoras, increasing demand for the item tenfold. There is, however, one catch – the leaves must be plucked from a living specimen. The Orion will be leaving port for Thavnair in a few suns’ time, and is offering a premium price for any pacified mandragoras delivered before the ship sets sail.”

Yumah Molkot: “In response to recent fluctuations in the market, the [Brugaire Consortium] is sourcing these arms from the city-state of Radz-at-Han, far across the Jade Sea. I should note at this juncture that these are no ordinary weapons—they are fashioned from a peculiar stone called Giantsgall, a material traditionally used in the making of Near Eastern arms. I caught glimpse of one such blade hanging on the hip of a Twin Adder officer returning from a drill, and humbly asked if I might examine it up close. Let it suffice to say that I was duly impressed by the craftsmanship.”

The Cieldalaes to See Combat: “Giantsgall – a variety of stone found only on Thavnair, possessing exceptional hardness. Its name is derived from a legend that tells of a Far Eastern hero who voyaged to the selfsame island and there vanquished a savage giant. A nearby stone drank up the slain giant’s blood and gall, thus receiving of its strength.”

Thavnairian Silk: “This silk has been spun from thread created by a worm found only on the Near Eastern island of Thavnair.”

Thavnairian Mist: “A concentrated elixir blended in the Near Eastern island nation of Radz-at-Han.” (Invented by Jalzahn)

Jalzahn: “Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jalzahn, and I hail from the Near Eastern city-state of Radz-at-Han. I am an alchemist by trade. It has been my life’s work to study the enhancement of arms through soul infusion. Verily, Thavnairian mist is one of the fruits of my toils. Upon learning that the elixir had come to some prominence in Eorzea, I journeyed here with the intent of exploring new possibilities in my research. I want but for a subject to proceed.”

Mint Lassi: “A cool and refreshing drink made from cultured milk. Popular in the Near Eastern city-state of Radz-at-Han for its ability to offset the blistering heat of the Thavnairian midday sun.”

Rolanberry Lassi: “A sweet and tangy drink made from cultured milk. Popular in the Near Eastern city-state of Radz-at-Han for its ability to soothe the burn of heavily spiced dishes.”

Han Lemon: “A foul, bitter fruit found growing on the Near Eastern island of Thavnair. While typically avoided by the residents of Radz-at-Han, it is a favorite amongst chocobos, and is known to restore feathers to their original hue.”

Thavnairian Onion: “A pungent, tear-inducing vegetable that thrives in the alkali sands of Near Eastern Thavnair. While typically avoided by the five races, it is a favorite amongst chocobos.”

Stalk of Ramie: “A variety of swift-growing grass native to the Near East. The stalks can be dried and processed into thin threads which, when spun together, can be woven into a cloth not unlike hemp.”

Adamantoise Shell: “The shell of a giant tortoise originally native to the island of Thavnair, but now found living throughout Eorzea.”

Tiny Tortoise: “Not native to Eorzea, the first adamantoise to arrive in the realm is believed to have been mixed in with a shipment of dodo eggs from the Near East. Why anyone would import dodo eggs when there are more than enough of the birds living in Eorzea already is a mystery for the ages… but the whole affair more than likely involves a hungry Qiqirn.”

Adamantoise: “Native to the Near Eastern island of Thavnair, adamantoises were long thought to be impossible to domesticate. However, through the efforts of Ul’dahn zoologists, a handful of the colossal scalekin have been successfully trained to accept riders.”

Coeurl: “Native to the jungles of the Near East, coeurls were only recently introduced to Eorzea, brought over from faraway lands such as Thavnair by Ul’dahn nobles who thought to breed them as pets. Now, but a handful of skilled tamers living in recluse on the Pearl are said to be able to train them.”

Warlion: “Early in the Sixth Astral Era, lions were brought over from the Near East and trained to serve as battle mounts for the Sultansworn of Ul’dah. Deemed unbreakable, those not sold to the Coliseum for venationes were released into the deserts of Thanalan where they eventually reverted back to a feral state.”

Cornu: “Of the zu much is known, for their migration between Eorzea and the Near East provides many opportunities for observation. The vilest among these birds of prey is the Cornu, who has made himself maddeningly scarce to learned eyes that would pry from it the secrets of its savage heart.”

Heavensward Sightseeing Vista #023 The Nidifice: “A nest of great migratory birds that travel with the seasons from the Near East to Eorzea and back again in search of warmer climates. It is here that they lay their eggs, raise their young, and teach them to take to the skies before making the journey anew.”

Thavnairian Mistletoe: “A variety of parasitic plant that is commonly found growing on the stout acacia trees of Thavnair. The inhabitants of Thavnair’s capital city of Radz-at-Han have a strange custom that states if two people meet underneath a sprig of mistletoe, they must each give the other one of their shoes.”

Wild Onion: “A pungent bulb vegetable native to the Near East.”

Wizard Eggplant: “A firm purple-skinned vegetable indigenous to the mountains of the Near East. A common wives’ tale claims if you eat too many of this vegetable, you will turn into one.”

Sun Lemon: “A sour citrus fruit indigenous to the Near East.”

Apricot: “A variety of stone fruit borne over from the Near East. Its orange flesh is at once sweet and tart.”

Gysahl Greens: “A leafy vegetable indigenous to the Near East. While too bitter for most people’s tastes, chocobos are known to enjoy the flavor, and thus the greens are often used as fodder for the animals.”

Fufucha: “Research has proven that much of the gysahl greens presently grown in Ishgard are in fact Near Eastern.”

Basyle: “Over a century ago, Near Eastern gysahl greens were brought over to Eorzea. Thanks to its hardiness, it thrived in our realm, becoming so ubiquitous that it displaced many indigenous species. Species such as the Coerthan gysahl, which fairly disappeared. And indeed it would’ve, had the Botanists’ Guild not continued cultivating it as a strain suited to cooler lands.”

Going a bit above and beyond the lore into some theorycraft. Usually when Thavnair gets referenced, there is talk about its inspirations. If we look at the names of what few Thavnairian NPCs we see in game (Mirza, Jalzahn, and Ardashir) we find that the etymology of the names Mirza and Ardashir are both Persian. Jalzahn doesn’t seem to have any real world etymology, simply having its roots in FFXI’s Aht Urghan, another Middle Eastern styled city-state. We can also look at foods such as Lassi, which is commonly found in northern India and Pakistan, as well as apricots which are thought to originate around Armenia, which was later taken over by several Persian empires.

So if you’re looking at creating a Thavnairian character, look into Persian names, with possible Indian influences.

Hope this helps! ^^

[ OOC ] More Gelmorra/Duskwight Lore Bomb


This time courtesy of @mirkemenagerie / Soundsyy Mirke of Balmung.  This has some great early history tidbits and a few rehashes of the previous post, but still a lot of good stuff to take home!  Again, I take no credit at all this is all Soundsyy’s work, but I appreciate it greatly and wanted to share/preserve this information for future reference!

<snip snip again for length and potential spoilers>

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Do you have any lore pertaining to locations on Hydaelyn that are known to have harsh winters/inhospitable climes naturally (outside of the Calamity making Coerthas a snowzone)?


There are several locations across Hydaelyn that have, at the very least, harsh winters. Coerthas still fit this description even before the Calamity, but the Farreach, Gyr Abania, and the Azim Steppe also experience very harsh winters. Meaning that just about anything north of these locations is subjected to even worse conditions, places like: the Northern Empty, Sharlayan, Aerslaent, most of Ilsabard, and northwestern Othard.

Below, I made a quick doodle on the great continents map. Everything above that blue line is going to have long, bitter winters with some places being permanently covered in snow and ice for most of the year. I’ve put lore sources for all of this below the Read More cut. Hope this helps, anon!


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So hey, I figured that as somebody who reads a lot, Aelyn knows a fair bit about stuff. She herself is afflicted by the Echo and as such has a vested interest in understanding it.

What this really is however, is a blurred IC/OOC lore dump for people who are interested in whatever topics take my fancy. Please bear in mind that if you have not completed up to the end of patch 4.1, there will be spoilers in this post.

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Hey, do you have any information on the origins of Sharlayan? I could’ve sworn Nyunkrepf and his ark were part of its founding, but now there’s a big boat in the Peaks saying otherwise.


Nyunkrepf was the founder of modern Sharlayan, yes. The story goes that during the moons leading up to the Sixth Umbral Calamity, twelve legendary figures, known as the Archons, came to Eorzea to save its people from the War of the Magi and the inevitable calamity. Nyunkrepf was one of these Archons, though he arrived too late to prevent the calamity.

He built an ark and sailed south. As he sailed he picked up several Eorzeans set adrift by the great flood. He filled his ark with as many drifters as he could find and continued his way to Eorzea until his vessel was faced with a tidal wave which threatened to destroy their ship and everyone aboard. Nyunkrepf quickly cast a powerful teleportation spell upon the ship, hoping it would return them to his home on the northern Isle of Yorn. Instead, the spell deposited them south atop the jagged peaks of Gyr Abania amid the swells of Eorzean citizens fleeing from the rising floodwaters. The peak upon which they landed was named “Mount Yorn” and Nyunkrepf’s ark remains there to this day.

However, Nyunkrepf, his crew, and those countless men and women he rescued from the flood did not stay in Gyr Abania. Once the torrential rains which lasted for three score days and three score nights subsided, Nyunkrepf waited for the waters to recede to lead his followers out of Gyr Abania and into the Dravanian Hinterlands where after several years they eventually completed a new ark, and sailed north to found Sharlayan.

PAX West 2017 – Fernehalwes: “Yorn sounds familiar because in the Peaks we have Mount Yorn. Back during the Calamity of Water, when Amdapor and Mhach are all getting flooded, a wise man archon you could say from Sharlayan, came down to Eorzea named Nyunkrepf and built an ark. ‘I’m going to save as many people as I can and with my wonderful magicks I will warp the ark to my homeland of Sharlayan. Everyone will be saved!’

So everyone got on the boat, he waved his hands, cast it and tada! They were warped out to dry land. ‘And behold my homeland of Yorn!’ Until the next day they realized it was just the mountains in Gyr Abania, and so the other people on the boat were like, ‘Okay… let’s just call it Mount Yorn so he’ll never forget his wonderful mistake of warping us to this desolate wasteland.’ He did save them, but… Mount Yorn…”

Stormblood Sightseeing Vista #010 – Nyunkrepf’s Hope: “When the Sixth Umbral Calamity befell Eorzea and the realm was transformed into a sea, this great vessel, built by a man hailing far from the north named Nyunkrepf, saved full many lives. Having taken aboard countless souls drifting in the floodwaters, it was finally transported by magicks to its current resting place.”

Encyclopedia Eorzea – A Journey South: “Legendary figures known as the Twelve Archons are widely believed to have saved a great many Eorzean lives during the Sixth Umbral Calamity. Nyunkrepf Nyunkrepfsyn, a towering giant of a Roegadyn from beyond the Northern Wastes, was one amongst this band of heroes. He foresaw the coming of the floods through astrology, and, unable to stand idly by, madea  great ship of wood, and set out upon a voyage for Eorzea with a crew of volunteer sailors.

Along the way, Nyunkrepf’s men rescued many souls set adrift on the seas. Yet, as they drew nearer their goal, they spied a tidal wave bearing down upon them. Knowing his vessel would be torn to splinters by the force of the water, Nyunkrepf made a desperate decision. He cast a powerful and ancient magick over the ship, knowing not where they would arrive. Thus, the crew and many refugees aboard found themselves teleported away from certain death, and perched precariously in Abalathia’s Spine.”

Encyclopedia Eorzea – The Long Descent: “Though those aboard Nyunkrepf’s ship found momentary succor, they were not alone in the mountains. Many other refugees had fled to Abalathia’s Spine with little more than the clothes upon their backs, and what little sustenance they brought quickly ran out. As their hunger grew, their civility fell away. They became little better than snarling savages, fighting and killing for what little food the peaks offered.

From within his ship, Nyunkrepf watched with grief as precious lives were snuffed out by the barbarism. Knowing those he had saved would die if they tarried in the region, he and his followers fled as soon as the rains had abated. He led them unto the Dravanian hinterlands, where they built a new ship. Though the seas remained rough and tossed them about, they nevertheless safely reached the isles in the northern seas. Having returned home, Nyunkrepf and the survivors set about building a small settlement. This humble village was to grow into the mighty city of Sharlayan.”

Encyclopedia Eorzea Timeline – Year c.10: “The Archon Nyunkrepf leads a group of refugees away from the chaos of the mountains, sailing to an island in the Northern Empty, where they found the village that will later blossom into the city of Sharlayan.”

Encyclopedia Eorzea – A New Center of Knowledge: “The Sixth Umbral Era passed, and the Sixth Astral Era dawned. Nyunkrepf’s village had already advanced greatly by the start of this glorious new age, and had expanded enough to rightly be called a city. The citizens of the newly-named Sharlayan had pledged themselves to Nyunkrepf’s teachings: to forever renounce war and walk in the light of wisdom and reason.”

Hope this helps clarify Sharlayan’s origin, anon! ^^




Hello, Tinolqa, your friendly neighborhood list-writer here. Today, I’ve got a special gift for you FFXIV players, and particularly for roleplayers: the full list of names from the in-game name generator, for each race, clan, and gender combination you can think of. Stuck on a name for your new retainer? Want to start fresh with an alt or a character rename? Need to name some NPCs in your backstory? This list has literal hundreds of names for any sort of character you might want to create (provided they’re of a playable race and not, you know, a Padjal or a Garlean or something). 

The names are not currently presented in alphabetical order, but rather in the order they appear in within the generator. If enough people are interested in an alphabetical version, I’ll update it as such.

Find the Google Document of the list HERE and share with all your friends!

lore book transcription: voidsent


for a poster on the RPC

I picked out passages from various sections that seemed relevant; apologies if I missed anything

Also there are, like, four pages of voidsent creatures in the Bestiary, I’m not transcribing all of them (sorry) but I’ll provide a list of their names in tiers and you can send me an ask if you want a specific creature’s profile. If someone offers you scans, they’re on pages 297 through 300.

…except Cuchulainn; I’ll transcribe him. You’ll see why.

Keep reading

Wood’s Will Be Done


Part III: Gridania’s Law Enforcement and Military

This wraps up my post series on the three Grand Companies, though I am still contemplating a similar post on Ishgardian law and military. We’ll see!

Gridania’s Ruling Body, Elemental Law, and Crime

Encyclopedia Eorzea – Government: “The rule of Gridania falls to the Seedseer Council, a body composed of chosen officials known as Hearers. These conjurers are able to commune with the elementals, and decide the course of the city-state through discussion and consensus. Around the time of the Calamity, however, Gridania’s fate was so uncertain that Kan-E-Senna – the Elder Seedseer and head of the Council – assumed direct control. At present, she continues to preside over all affairs of state.”

Encyclopedia Eorzea – The Seedseer Council: “The Seedseer Council is a forum for Hearers to share what they have learned from the elementals, and decide matters of state. In effect, the Council is the highest power in the land, and the arbiter of Gridanian law. One must wonder, therefore, why they conduct their business at the Lotus Stand, an outside area with no roof. Scholars contend that this is for the benefit of the elementals, so they may watch the proceedings. While decisions are put to a vote, policies sometimes reflect the will of the elementals more strongly than the opinions of Hearers. Following the Calamity, however, this system has changed. Faced with the challenges of the Garlean Empire and rebuilding, Gridania could scarcely afford time spent in debate. Thus, the Council has vested its full power in Kan-E-Senna until such a time as the danger has passed.” 

Encyclopedia Eorzea – Beliefs: “Gridanians know the blessings bestowed upon them by the elementals, and heed well their will. Behind this lies a fear of disturbing the peace of the Twelveswood, and being cast from the forest by enraged elementals – just as the Ixal once were. Yes, Gridanians have earned a reputation as stubborn amongst the other city-states of Eorzea, as they can be so unyielding in their commitment to the forest laws as to appear unadaptable and brittle.”

Raya-O-Senna: “When in the Twelveswood, one must ever be mindful of the elementals. They suffer none who disregard their laws. I shall personally deal with those who defile the sanctity of the forest. That is, if the elementals haven’t already seen to them. Theirs is a swift and brutal justice.”

Balan: “Refugees must first spend a night here in Quarrymill that the elementals might judge them worthy of living in the Twelveswood. Their decision cannot be appealed. Every one of us, Gridanians included, dwell here only by the elementals’ leave.”

Lionnet: “Lest you wonder, our outskirts are tightly patrolled to counter the Ixali threat. I may add that those same patrols will not hesitate to deal with any who threaten the peace of our citizens. Do not imagine yourself above our laws.”

Bryde: “If you wish to reside in the Twelveswood, you must exhibit the proper respect for nature. The Ixali beastmen hunt forest creatures for sport and topple trees for their misguided rituals. Will the elementals punish these savage intruders, you ask? It is not a question of ‘if,’ adventurer, but ‘when.’”

O’dhinek: “The beast tribes are as different from us as night from day─plain and simple. There’s no sense trying to understand them, much less live side by side.And a swift exile from Gridania awaits any who hold otherwise. Aye, we had a healer years ago who found that out to his cost. Seemed a good enough sort… until the day he tended to the wounds of an injured bloody Ixal, citing ‘the healers’ oath’ or some such nonsense. What could possibly bring a man to take pity on that filth?”

Averay the Ardent: “Move along– I have my hands full with this merchant. We have strict rules requiring all foreign goods to be inspected by a mage before crossing our borders. Alas, some outsiders remain ignorant…”

Foforyo: “Just you remember this – the reward for impudence is exile, and that’s if you’re lucky. Others are claimed by the wood, turned into wildlings – a far grimmer fate.”

Brother Telent: “Didn’t kill too many, I hope. Foul beasts they may be, but they are of the wood. It’s not our place to kill as we see fit, as Eorzeans elsewhere do. Doing so only angers the elementals, and brings the greenwrath on us all.”

Maisenta: “Let me guess: you had your misgivings, but couldn’t let your conscience get in the way when there were fortunes to be had. So you cast your lot with Baert, covered your eyes and ears and hoped for the best.

Ignorance of your complicity is no excuse, Rishushu. I hear that the Wood Wailers and Gods’ Quiver are taking particularly severe measures regarding the sale of stolen and poached goods in light of recent events.

A word or two from me and you’ll spend the night in the comfort of your very own gaol cell.”

Castellaint: “What brings you to Quarrymill, adventurer? Mayhap you heard that our pact with the elementals permits hunting in this area? Do not think that gives you leave to strip the forest bare. Such freedom is only granted to those who temper their actions with restraint. Any who would do harm to the Twelveswood… well, I’m sure you have heard tales of the consequences.”

Open Season: “Though poaching is one of the most severe crimes in the Twelveswood, often punishable by death, there is no end to the constant flow of those who come to the sacred forest in search of exotic pelts and horns to sell to dubious traders from the Far East.”

Wlfric: “The poacher escaped!? Inexcusable! I should have known better than to entrust such a task to an adventurer. Those who defy the elementals’ will must be served justice, or we all shall pay the price. You’d do well not to forget this.”

Wind-up Succubus: “One of countless clockwork servitors discovered in the home of a Gridanian goldsmith recently hanged for the crime of ritual summoning. It is believed while crafting the automatons, he became increasingly obsessed with the void, until the darkness bid him do the unthinkable.”

Syro Fulke: “What news of the thaumaturge? Hm? What you brought? A sealed letter? Indeed, everything seems in order. This document carries the proper seals, in accordance with Gridanian law. Should Ailith break her oath and sin against he wood again, we will be within our rights to deal with her as we see fit.”

Judgeray: “In the distant past, the Gridanians used to try individuals suspected of heinous crimes by forcing them to share a pond with this extremely venomous stingray.”

Buscarron: “Aye, Laurentius confessed to his crimes. I just had word from the Twin Adder. Seems he marched straight into the Nest and gave himself up.”

Haurtefert: “Sad to say, even a place as peaceful as Gridania is not without its crime. Still, I cannot help but feel for those imprisoned here. The gaols of Gridania are a far worse fate than those of the other nations.”

Foulques: “It is only a matter of time before they betray you. Aye, just like those wretches who saw me imprisoned and exiled. I was once an upright citizen of Gridania, and a man of the Lancers’ Guild. Yet life was not easy. For want of the coin to obtain the barest necessities, I conspired with my closest comrades to steal from the guild’s coffers.

The theft soon came to light, and though there were no suspects, it was clear that the deed had been perpetrated by someone within the ranks. An air of suspicion hung heavy over the guild from that day forth, until at last, unable to bear the guilt, I convinced my accomplices to join me in confessing… Only for them to bite their craven tongues after I had stepped forward and admitted my part in the crime. And so it was that I alone took the blame!

‘Of course it was the Duskwight,’ everyone said. ‘Was there ever any doubt?’ It all made perfect sense! Despite my heartfelt pleas, my so-called friends denied any involvement. Instead they called me vulgar names I do not care to repeat.”

Buscarron: “To be fair, the Duskwights can be an unruly lot, but they ain’t so bad once you get to know them. And it don’t seem right to bar a whole race of people from the Druthers for the misdeeds of a few.

There should be at least one place where anyone willing to pay the coin and drink in peace is welcome, don’t you think?”

Wood Wailer: “Keepers of the Moon, eh? If it were up to me, I’d hang every one of you, let the Twelve sort out the ‘Claws from the rest. Now, stand with your feet apart…”

Sharp-eyed Keeper: “Die wailing, little lancer. We recognize no laws─neither of men nor of elementals. What we want, we take. That is freedom. That is our way.”

Elemental Housekeeping: “Of overgrown traces of Gelmorra, few remain to disturb the order of the forest, yet occasional ruins are still found that must needs be removed. What is under the forest may stay, but our laws decree that no stone of Gelmorra mar the home of the elementals.”

Raya-O-Senna: “It is our duty to facilitate harmony between man and elemental. All the laws of the forest count for naught if we fail in this.”

Sanche: “My name is Sanche. It was twelve years ago that I fled Gridania with my infant child. She was born a Padjal, and you know what that means…  The conjurers would have snatched her from my arms, and taught her to be a servant of the forest spirits. By Gridanian law, they were well within their rights to do so.”

Raya-O-Senna: “And yet, for all his stubbornness, there is some truth to my brother’s words. Ancient laws forbid us from sharing the teachings of white magic outside of our own kind. There are reasons for this, which I would share with you when the time is right.”

|More in depth lore on the Elementals, Hearers, Padjal, Fane, Hedge, and Greenwrath can be found here.

Lore on the Wood Wailers, Gods’ Quiver, Trappers’ League, Holtwatch, Toto-Rak, Spirithold, and the Order of the Twin Adders can be found below the cut in the Read More. Hope this helps! Be sure to share with your Gridanian friends!

| Ul’dah | Limsa Lominsa |

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Till Sea Swallows All


Part II: Limsa Lominsa’s Law Enforcement and Military

This post is substantially bigger than the previous post on Ul’dahn Military & Law Enforcement. There are a few reasons for this, but the main one is how extensively Limsa has changed due to Merlwyb and the Calamity. In contrast, when Raubahn formed the Immortal Flames, he did so from the ground up and without Monetarist aid. Thus, the pre-existing private militaries changed little since their original creation. In Limsa, Merlwyb’s rise to power changed everything, and when the Maelstrom eventually came about it greatly altered everything that had come before it. 

Government, Thalassocratic Law, the Code, and Crime

Encyclopedia Eorzea – Government: “Lominsans choose their leader in the Trident, a competition held once every seven years. The strongest of pirate crews run this multi-pronged race, and whosoever crosses the finish line first becomes admiral, the head of the maritime city-state. Afforded sweeping powers over Limsa Lominsa, new admirals will often drastically alter existing policies – and with it, change the course of the city-state.”

Encyclopedia Eorzea – Ruling Body: “A number of councilors, nominated personally by the admiral, oversee the everyday proceedings of the thalassocracy.”

Encyclopedia Eorzea – Beliefs: “Founded by men fleeing the rule of kings, Lominsans continue to see laws more as guidelines than actual rules. Whether pirate or fisherman, citizens generally feel less loyal to their city-state than to their immediate crew. This spirit of freedom ever drives Limsa forward, yet the selfsame wild abandon may appear brutish in the eyes of the other Eorzean nations.”

Nunuba: “Unlike the other townships whose leaders are chosen by bloodlines, Limsa leaves its rule in the hands of its people. Every man bleeds red the same, so we don’t see how one man’s blood can be deemed better than another’s. Anyone can join the Trident, and the victor and his crew are granted full reign over the realm… that is, until the next race.”

Kokoto: “Only a pirate would permit the establishment of a pub right below the legislative offices of a city-state. You didn’t know? We’re standing beneath the ‘Bridge’, thalassocratic headquarters and office of Limsa Lominsa’s ruler, known as the Admiral – though she’s no more than a pirate with a fancy title, like all her predecessors for as long as anyone can remember.”

Thalassocratic Charter and Assessor’s Restrictions

Nunuba: “The ‘Cudas gone an’ writ theirselves up another one o’ them fancy legal laws they likes. I swear they’ll come a day as a man won’t be able t’ piss wi’out a license ‘n’ a measurin’ jug.”

J’harll: “You were lent a weapon―a standard-issue flintlock―by one of the Knights of the Barracuda, and now that weapon has gone missing. The unauthorized removal of a Barracuda firearm from the city limits is strictly prohibited under thalassocratic charter. Each and every weapon assigned to a knight is magically engraved with a number that identifies the weapon and its owner, making them easy to track and impossible to sell on the black market. Before you make the mistake of your life, I strongly suggest that you hand over the weapon so we can all return to our blissfully mundane lives.”

Rostnsthal: “That’s ‘cause ‘e’s likely noticed that yer firearm can kill a man with naught but yer dainty little finger on the trigger. ‘Tis the same reason there’s laws in Limsa Lominsa what prevent any ol’ drunken whoreson from carryin’ a musket.”

P’tahjha Stah: “All that would pass into Limsa Lominsa must first pass through Mealvaan’s Gate. We levy excises and disallow contraband for the welfare of the market. Trade can only be free when buyers possess the necessary assurances. Without the rule of law, the streets would be overrun by traffickers and cutthroats.” 

Thosinbaen: “For every item we confiscate, there is sure to be a complaint to follow. I cannot blame most of these poor folk though. Since taking the Admiral’s chair, our new leader has doubled the number of items on the restricted list, and more are added every day. One cannot expect every trader and ship captain to stay current on the latest amendments.”

Dodoroba: “Not a day goes by without at least one vessel attempting to smuggle in some sort of contraband, whether it be illegal herbs, outlawed weapons, or forbidden tomes. It is the duty of the custom-house not only to locate and confiscate those items, but to see to their proper disposal as well.”

Lorhzant: “Step back, sir. All passengers must be inspected prior to being granted entry into the city. Quietly wait your turn or I will be forced to call the Yellowjackets.”

Baderon: “Ye’ll ‘ave to excuse these eager bloody Yellowjackets. There’s been a spate o’ kidnappin’s, see, an’ they ain’t got a clue who’s behind ’em. Naturally, they’ve taken to clappin’ irons on anyone who looks vaguely suspicious, which means ‘venturers, visitors… an’ pretty much every bugger else in this town.”

Twenty-nine Was the Cutoff: “The 426th Order mendicant Zi Gu has slain thirty men and women of the Maelstrom; by the laws of the sea and man his life is forfeit. He thinks to hide in Bloodshore, which has a reputation─outdated, we can assure you─ for being friendly to both outlaws and alchemy. In the name of the Maelstrom, carry out his sentence.”

Mynadaeg: “I hope you can see how important it is that we keep this from spreading to the smallfolk. If they found out the Barracudas had attempted an assassination under the flag of parley… Well, it don’t bear thinking about. Fact is, under her own thalassocratic code of naval conduct, it’s the Admiral’s life that would be forfeit. That it was all the doing of one of her bloody officers makes not an onze of difference.”

The Code

Encyclopedia Eorzea: “From a buccaneer background himself, Admiral Agatzahr invited the strongest of the warring crews to the negotiation table. Through bartering and threats, he secured their solemn oath to put an end to the fighting. More miraculously, however, he put forth a code of conduct which every corsair would have to honor: No crew would cheat another of its plunder, nor rob a fellow Lominsan, nor sell fellow men into slavery.

Though the code itself was revolutionary, its enforcement was perhaps more so. The best of all crews came together and founded the Upright Thieves, a shadowy organization that punished those who broke the code. Admiral Agatzahr’s rules became as law to the pirates not because they were imposed from above, but rather because they were enforced in every back alley and bad tavern. Thanks to this, peace returned to Limsa.

Dyrfhund: “Caught word, ‘ave ye? Aye, the ‘Barons’ Betrayal’, they’s callin’ it. But by what right, I ask ye? They’s bloody pirates, aint’ they? Landlubbers think there’s some manner o’ pirate code, o’course. but if there’s aught I learned in me time among the League o’ Lost Bastards, ’tis that the code is more what you’d call guidelines than actual rules.”

Perimu Haurimu: “Ye’d think these pirates’d never even heard o’ the code. Pillagin’ honest culls an’ dippin’ their wicks in the slave trade? They’re headed the right way for a good stabbin’.”

Lominsan Crime

Gert: “First time in Limsa? Then take this bit of counsel–keep your head down and your blade handy.”

S’laiboli: “When Merlwyb failed to appear in time for the originally scheduled ceremony, I immediately assumed the worst. This is Limsa Lominsa, you know. We’ve had more than a few Admirals turn up in the gutter over the years, whether drink-sodden… or dead.” 

Chaunollet: “Limsa Lominsa must constantly deal with threats from without, as well as from within. While ridding our waters of the Sahagin is – and always will be – our number one priority, we cannot ignore the gangs of pirates infesting the city and preying on her honest citizens. Until they can be brought under control, I’d suggest you watch your back when walking the streets, or you just may find a knife in it.”

Z’onggo: “I’m just a simple puller feeding fish from the docks, so what would I know?

Life here in Limsa is far from easy for most of us. A little coin has far more power than the Admiral realizes. Why, I’d trade my bucket and ladle for a sword and shield if it made my pockets jingle.”

Carvallain: “I doubt that will help in this town. Kidnappings and killings are conducted in broad daylight here, and when they happen, most people just keep their heads down, so as not to have them removed from their shoulders.”

Ginnade: “Few pirates sink to such depths of depravity as Doesmaga. It has been six years now since he was exiled from Limsa Lominsa for engaging in the worst kind of black market trading.”

Maelstrom Officer: “From the descriptions given to us by the escaped villager, we’ve determined that these lawbreakers are members of the Jolly Merchants─a pirate crew in possession of an official privateering license. …’Twould appear, however, that privateering has been naught but a screen behind which to hide their illicit activities. One can only imagine how many other Lominsan citizens have fallen prey to these wicked slavers…”

P’tahjha Stah: “Without the proper documentation, I am afraid we shall have to expel him from the city… Every month he is to submit these papers, and every month his tardiness forces me to consider his removal. As long as one follows proper procedure, Limsa Lominsa is quite welcoming of foreign traders.”

Mynadaeg: “Since the reinstatement of the Maelstrom and company rule, the streets are safer, our borders more secure, and citizen morale higher than ever. But that ain’t to say the city-state’s without its problems. Lominsans were born to be free – to unfurl our sails and let the winds carry us where they may.

Things may appear rosy now, but I guarantee you, in a moon or two, there’ll be angry mobs in the streets lamenting all the rules and regulations the Admiral has foisted on ’em. To make matters worse, Limsa’s pirates have already begun to rouse their crews for a fight, on the back of rumors that the Bloody Executioners are planning to pull Merlwyb from her perch and promote their captain, Hyllfyr, the Admiral.”

|More in depth lore on the Trident race and the Code can be found here.
|More in depth lore on Mealvaan’s Gate and the Assessors can be found here.

Lore on the Knights of the Barracuda, Yellowjackets, Dutiful Sisters of the Edelweiss, Limsa’s largest Pirate Factions, and the Maelstrom can be found below the cut in the Read More. Hope this helps! Be sure to pass this along to all your Lominsan friends!

|Please look forward to my post on Gridanian military soon!
|You can find all my lore posts here!

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