Thavnarian Dancer V1.0


Thavnarian Dancer V1.0

By: @misteffxiv


DANCER HYPE! Get ready for the HOPEFULLY dancer job reveal coming up at one of the upcoming fanfests!

Titan Firm @amethystdcvr – For T&F body I used to port this outfit onto.

Set consists of head, body, hands, feet, and earrings (and an alternate Veil in its own folder fitted better for my Thavnarian/Mermaid Hairstyles)

Available races: Female Hyur, Female Miqo’te, Female Au Ra, Female Elezen, Female Roegadyn

Faerie Tale Princess’s Tiara
Thavnairian Bolero
Housemaid’s Wristdresses
Faerie Tale Princess’s Heels
Platinum Paramour’s Earrings

Alternate Veil – Housemaid’s Brim/Loyal Housemaid’s Brim



Special thanks to all of my followers and supporters for following me and enjoying my work! /bow

Special thanks to all who donate to support me! You are amazing and it is greatly appreciated!

Please do not redistribute or reupload this anywhere without my permission.

A lot of time and work went into this outfit! If you enjoy my public releases I appreciate any Donations very much! It helps me have time to spend on modding more public releases for you all!


>>MediaFire Download Mirror<<


LFRP & Contacts – Mhiha



The Basics ––– –

  • Age: “Not far from 30!”
  • Birthday: Celebrated on May 9th (9th sun, third astral moon)
  • Race: Miqo’te
  • Gender: Female
  • Marital Status: In a committed relationship
  • Alignment: Neutral good

Physical Appearance ––– –

–> Mhiha as drawn by various artists

  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Green
  • Height: 5’1” / 1.56 m
  • Build: Slender and athletic
  • Distinguishing Marks:
    – Large burn mark across the right side of her face
    – Many scars all over her body
  • Common Accessories:
    – Chirurgeon’s satchel
    – Modified Centurio’s revolver
    – Simple crystal pendant

Personal ––– –

  • Profession: Healer; former Resistance medic
  • Likes:
    – Gyr Abanian martial arts
    – Drinking
    – La Noscean beaches and swimming
  • Dislikes:
    – Needless violence
    – Injustice
    – Overly nonchalant patients
  • Languages: Common Eorzean, Limsan/Ala Mhigan accent
  • Residence: Metaphysick’s Midnight Bastion
  • Birthplace: Unknown
  • Religion: Common Twelve worship
  • Patron Deity: None in particular
  • Fears:
    – Losing Camerin
    – Failing her duties as a healer
    – Voidsent; anything a well-placed bullet can’t kill

Relationships ––– –

Traits ––– –

  • Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
  • Disorganized / In Between / Organized
  • Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
  • Calm / In Between / Anxious
  • Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
  • Cautious / In Between / Reckless
  • Patient / In Between /  Impatient
  • Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
  • Leader / In Between / Follower
  • Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
  • Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
  • Traditional / In Between / Modern
  • Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
  • Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
  • Loyal / In Between / Disloyal 
  • Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful

Habits ––– –

Smoking: Never

Drugs: Never, but willing to try sometime

Alcohol: Frequently, but usually responsibly

RP Hooks ––– –

  • Healing. Mhiha
    volunteers at the Matron’s Reach clinics.
    may see her there or be treated by her yourself (or have done so in the
    past*), especially at the Goblet clinic. Lacking magical talents, Mhiha offers conventional healing and general diagnostics, but is at her finest on the battlefield.
  • (Former) Resistance members.
    Mhiha served
    as a field medic connected to an Ala Mhigan Resistance scouts’ unit until the war’s end.
    You may have seen her
    around the Barber in Rhalgr’s Reach, been treated by her there or on the
    battlefield, or been part of the same unit.* She still checks in with her old comrades from time to time.
  • Sparring partners/self-defense teacher. Mhiha
    regularly practices Gyr Abanian martial arts, and seeks out sparring
    She’s no monk, but has
    a solid grasp of, and skill in, the underlying techniques. The doctor enjoys a
    good spar, and has offered basic self-defense training to fellow healers
    in the past.
  • Voidsent. Aside from currently being attached to a
    voidsent hunters’ organization, Mhiha harbors a vicious hatred for all
    things of the Void. If you are such a being or associate with them, and reveal yourself as such,
    you may well have a fight on your hands.
  • For the cause! Mhiha
    generally has a strong desire to do good.
    From catching a thief in the streets to fighting in a full-blown revolution, you can count on her aid if you ask nicely enough.

* I’m open to discussing these kinds of pre-established

What I’m not looking for ––– –

  • Romance,
    shipping or ERP.
    Mhiha has a single
    established partner, to whom she is entirely faithful.
  • Alternate
    Mhiha exists in XIV,
    in the canon timeline, and nowhere else. “Flashback” scenes that fit established continuity are fine!
  • Low realism/lore strictness. I appreciate RP being firmly grounded in XIV’s lore. Similarly, I apply a fair bit of realism to healing RP, so those looking to be magically and/or instantly cured of their ailments need not apply.

OOC / Contact Information ––– –

I prefer to RP ingame on the Balmung server, but am open to Discord threads depending on what works better.

I’m a full-time student and live in the CET timezone (GMT+1). Uni work and other existing responsibilities take up a fair amount of my time, though I try to always keep OOC communication quick and clear (and expect the same in return; no ghosting!).

Please don’t hesitate to send me a DM here on Tumblr if you’re interested!
If things click and we go on to RP, I preferably communicate through Discord.



Oct. 27th Nevermore

Once upon a midnight dreary…

Palazzo Aldenard presents Nevermore

🔼When🔼 October 27th, 2018 at 9:00 P.M . EDT

🔼Where🔼 Mists, Ward 7, Plot 15

🔼Server🔼 Balmung



Please join the Palazzo Aldenard Opera House as present a night of chilling short plays based on the works of Edgar Allen Popoto.  Following the performance, we invite all to join us in the haunted gardens for midnight cocktails and fitting music. Do you dare attend?

Of Intrigue and Ijin



After more than ten years in his service, Leon is well aware that rainy nights mean he’ll find the boss on the beach, only partially sheltered from the wind and rain, and gazing out to sea like he’s waiting for something to appear on the horizon. Only on nights like this does the elderly Hingan show any sign of restlessness. There must be a story here, a reason why the old man only leaves the comforts of his home when the sky is dark and the weather is poor. Something in his past, in his youth, perhaps. A loss, or a lesson learned. A tale he would never dream of telling an underling such as Leon.

He finds the boss just where he expects to, and he joins him at his table without awaiting permission. The boss only smiles at his boldness, and Leon feels for a moment like he has achieved some minor victory.

“How good of you to read my mind and appear before me without awaiting my summons,” the boss comments.

“I heard that Solenne paid a visit to Idristan, and that he and Michaux left Eorzea shortly thereafter. I guessed that they were coming here.”

“You are on first name basis with them.” He sounds amused.

“Of course,” Leon replies with a light smirk. “I was in their free company, wasn’t I? Sometimes I even miss living in that house, although I don’t miss being Lucien Lemaire. That was a role I was happy to leave behind.”

Keep reading


Matters of Honor 03/06 – Part One

As the early morning light starts to creep over the ocean, Idristan Agache waits somewhat
impatiently, fingers tapping an uneven staccato on the pommel of the rapier at
his side. There are no bandages on his hands today, just the signs of freshly
healed cuts, and he actually looks like he might have gotten some sleep for
once–though that hint of weariness still lingers. Finally he lets out a huff
and looks over to Lebeaux. “I don’t know where Synn is. Perhaps he managed
to get lost.” He doesn’t seem entirely heartbroken at this. “Shall we
just settle this?” There is an icy note in his voice; the anger that had
driven him last night seemed to have cooled somewhat, but nowhere near faded.
“Unless you’ve changed your mind and would prefer to apologize?”

Lebeaux Desrosiers
smiled primly. If he had spent more time dusting off his old dueling attire and
polishing the rapier that hung at his hip than sleeping he gave no indication
of it. “I wasn’t aware we were bringing seconds in the first place.” He mused,
as though he wouldn’t have been hard-pressed to find one willing to stand at
his side after his latest display of arrogance. “We can proceed without him.”
The chirurgeon removed the ornate gloves he was wearing, rolling up a sleeve
and tugging a sturdier glove onto his left hand. “I’ve had some time to think
it over and consider what was said.” He mused as he tightened it, then drew the
rapier to check the blade. He turned it in the early dawn light, appreciating
the play of the sparse light over the bright finish. The design more than a
little ostentatious, one favored by the clergy and seeming disarmingly
ill-suited for slices and cuts. “I have decided that I meant every word and
recant nothing.”

Keep reading

The Archaeologists – An Explorer’s Network (Balmung)



Is your character the type to explore ruins and hunt for magical artifacts? Has your character caught wind of some cursed, magical object they’d like to find but wants and/or needs others that would be interested in helping them find it? If so, you might want to look into joining The Archaeologists

The Archaeologists is a linkshell network dedicated to connecting likeminded characters interested in exploring ancient places for arcane relics and/or locating and collecting mystical items wreaking havoc in towns and villages.

I will be DMing events now and then where my character, Orion Llewelyn, is in search of a magical item and needs some support in locating it. Sometimes, said item would have already been found by unwitting explorers and now they find their town being haunted by the ghosts of goats long passed and need help undoing what they’ve done.

If you’re interested, message me here, in-game (Orion Llewelyn), or on Discord (Orion #0827) for an invite to the LS!

In two days EVERYTHING CHANGES! (Or at least we learn about those changes…)



This Friday, at 3 AM PST, is the next Live Letter.

In it we will find out about:

The new glamour system that is so complex it would take hours to explain!

New house buying system!

FC submarines!

And, you know, silly PVE stuff like the new relic/Eureka, Omega Savage, and other stuff.

