
A Night in Gubal Library

Members of the Golden Fox Trade were sent into the Sharlayan archives to uncover research on the true nature of auracite. What awaited them was a series of puzzles and one heavily guarded tome locked with aetherochemical wards.

Hosted by @kaede-shikyo-ffxiv

Accompanied by @roses-and-grimoires @fyrrdetelemagna & @enx-ffxiv

♪⁽⁽٩( ᐖ )۶⁾⁾ ₍₍٩( ᐛ )۶₎₎♪: How are they like when they dance? Are they stiff? Fluid? A good dancer? Do they prefer to dance with a lot of others, with one other person, or alone?


“If it were at a party I would probably partake in one dance out of courtesy and then decline another, if the same partner were to ask again…the exception of course being Lai. As it has been some time since I have danced I can imagine I would be rusty….if it came down to it and I knew I was going to attend ahead of time I would practice diligently as to not embarrass myself on the dance floor, but I still say the odds of that happening are pretty high.”
